Prepare and host a stone age party.
Costume - Everyone to paint their faces and bodies with red ochre (or facepaint). Do geometric lines, asymmetric sections and handprints. Possibly, fur/leather costume, natural material jewellery to be worn.
Food - A picnic to be prepared consisting of
- hard-boiled, peeled duck eggs
- hazelnuts
- apple/pear slices
- blackberries
- honey on the comb
- raw mushrooms
- elderflower syrup/blackcurrant syrup
all served from woven baskets.
If required, BBQed appropriate meat (cow/pig/deer) or freshwater fish could be added. Raw mussels and oysters were popular but carry an unacceptably high risk of food poisoning if you didn't just pick one off the rock yourself.
Entertainment - Drumming and interactive storytelling. Pretending to hunt a deer by stalking it whilst wearing fur.