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Book: The Sandal

The Sandal is really a generally-applicable book about history, emphasising the point that people have and always will be people, no matter when or where they live.

It is a cartoon strip with very few words.

It is amongst my favourite books, and very much informs the spirit of this history project.

Plot Summary:

In Ancient Rome, a family with a little girl walk through the forum and the little girl loses her sandal in the river, where it washes away.

In the present, a family with a little girl visit a museum and see the Roman girl's sandal (and other items from the first cartoon) in a case. the girl compares it to her own sandal. On the way home, she loses her sandal by dropping it over a bridge into the water.

In the future, a family with a little girl visit a museum in their hi-tech underground world. They see some (much more degraded) Roman artefacts and the sandal of the girl from the present, in a glass case. The little girl compares it to her own sandal. On the way home, she drops her sandal over a bridge.....


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